Greg Brasel & Roadside Cross
Greg Brasel is a road-tested Christian singer/songwriter, connecting the energy of blues and rock with the transcending message of restoration through all-forgiving love. Combining the story telling of Andrew Peterson and the southern comfort of Third Day, he has traveled many roads to find the one that taps the music flowing through all of us.
Greg is by nature a busker, performing live music on the road sides, parks, and farmer’s markets around the country - wherever his day job takes him. He livestreams regularly on the StreetJelly platform, with over 75 shows to date built from a repertoire of 194 contemporary Christian songs, including 33 of his own songs. He is currently recording albums of the originals.
Greg is also the bassist for As_One House of Prayer, and in 2021 recorded the album “Arrows” with the band, available from your favorite music outlet. He is the Music Coordinator for James Seay Ministries tent ministry in his hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.
The Roadside Cross Story
A roadside cross is a memorial to the life of a person, yet unmistakably points to something greater. I perform with this name as I hope to show you musically the journey of restoration that Jesus is taking me through in my life. I hope you can see yourself in my songwriting and find that God always loves you no matter what. You are not what you did; God is there with you to see you through and work all things for your good. Share the roads, my friends!

Return To Terminal
I’m currently tracking for the CD, “Return To Terminal”, which comprises some of the first songs I wrote. These are the songs that made me see where I was, where I needed to go, and how to get there. Sign up here and I’ll let you know how it’s going and when to expect your copy! Meantime, please enjoy these samples of what’s to come!
For the album "Grindstone"
For the album "Roads"
For the album "Roadside Cross"
For the album "Roadside Cross"
Roadside Cross
Roadside Cross
For the album "Roadside Cross"


For booking please contact me at Roads@RoadsideCross.org
Want to support indie Christian music? Want to know when that first CD’s coming out? How about when/where I’m going to be playing? Want to send some kudos or razzies? Well… please support this independent artist and let’s connect! Thank you!